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Dimming Lights

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Good afternoon!


I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time now and have not had any success. I am trying to adjust the permanent brightness level of my LEDs. I went into Sectional Map Settings and changed the "High Level" to 30. I tried several values between 0 and 255 and noticed no change. Does that mean my lights are just not dimmable? Or is this user error?


These are the lights that I have installed in my map:


Thank you!

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Update: After further messing around with the settings, I noticed that if I manually adjust each color in the "LED Color Settings", I can force it to be dimmer. For example, VFR's default color value is (0,255,0), but I can make it dimmer by changing the color to (0,30,0). Do I really have to do this for every one?

Mark Harris
Member Admin Registered
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Posts: 559

No, you shouldn't have to. The brightness is not linear though. In otherwords, 128 is not half as bright as 255. So the closer to 0 you get, the dimmer it should be. BTW: Are you using an ambient light sensor? - Mark
