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PI short cycles and won’t boot

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So I have built a board with the pi 3b+ and the bread board called out. I bought it upstairs to program and get ready to hang. When you power it on though the pi short cycles. Out of confusion I unplugged the power supply for the pi and the leds and only plugged the pi in. Once I did that it booted up fine. I did notice that with both plugged in the fan ran really loud like it was getting boost of power. What have I done wrong I have the power from the pi going to the bread board and the power for leds all in the same spot as in diagram. Are they not suppose to be and that why I’m having issues.

Mark Harris
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If you haven't seen this, compare your wiring to this diagram to ensure nothing is switched.


Also, verify you have the correct LED's. If you accidently put 12v LED's in the system, that could cause your issue.

Take a few pictures of how you have it wired from a few different angles and post them here and we'll take a look to see if we see anything. - Mark

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3B24B9FA AD61 409E 97B4 DC05E26E5696

My cousin and I are both making one and we went with a larger power supply still 5v but 75 watts to power 150 lights called out. The pi will boot and I can do what I need to do for programming but only if I use power supply provided with the pi but not just the led power supply or with both plugged in. I’m wired 100% the same other then I also moved my power from the pi to a different pin so I could plug in fan assembly. I do have the buttons and rotors switch also idk if maybe that’s also a problem or not. I do notice the fan sounds like a turbo taking off when using both or just the led power supply.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Bpugh1996

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Would having the level converter in 180 from the diagram cause some issues if so how do you know which way it needs to go. I’m going to do some ringing out on the bread board Friday night to try and see where I have power and how much so any information on what I should have would be helpful. May need a video call with someone to walk me through this and maybe remove the buttons and light dimmer to simplify it to narrow down the problem. My buttons also aren’t doing anything for some reason the only difference between what was on the print and what I did there was I added one ground from the bread board to the buttons and  jumper between the buttons so I only had one wire and not 3 then other side of switch goes to board where it is in the same row as a wire coming from pi to board according to the diagram. If anything sounds not functional the way I have it wire please let me know. I do avionics installs so I was trying to simplify and save on wire I could.

Mark Harris
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The level converter has a small notch on one end, and this notch needs to be positioned to the left as shown in the diagram I attached above. I can get you a spec sheet that will show you the pin outs if you like, but if this is backwards it would cause issues. And in fact if it was ever wired backwards, it possibly could have been damaged. - Mark
