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SSH Login and Password

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Hi All.


I tried to connect via Ssh , but did not succeed .

The standard login pi and password raspberry did'n work.

What is the login? I tried looking everywhere on the website but could not find it


Best regards from the Netherlands



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Hi Bart,

User: pi

pass: livesectional 






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Thanks Bill.


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Is there a Mac SSH app I can use? Terminal didn’t work.

Mark Harris
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If you are using Chrome on your MAC you can visit the play store and install this extension. This is what I use 90% of the time.


I'm not familiar with MAC clients, but this seems to be popular.

I did notice instructions for using the built in Terminal program as an SSH client here;

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@captain_ron  I use terminal exclusively when working on my livesectional.


ssh pi@   insert the ip address of your pi.


When it prompts, put in the password (default is livesectional)  

Is this what you are trying?






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This is what I get


Screen Shot 2021 01 04 at 9.10.19 PM

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@captain_ron, This happens sometimes when you have previously SSH'd into a pi and then have re flashed the micro SD.  The computer recognizes the hardware of the pi, but get concerned that the drive is different than expected.


What you need to do is go to your finder on your mac and then go up to the "Go" menu at the top and select "Go to Folder..."


In the little window that pops up type in /Users/rklutts/.ssh/ and hit return.


This will open up a a finder window with a few files, one of which will be the known_hosts file.  Open this up and scroll down through the text until you find the ip address and delete that whole string, it should be an obvious group of text associated with that ip address.

Once you have deleted that out, save the file close it and then you should be able to SSH with the pi again.


I hope this helps.




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Screen Shot 2021 01 05 at 7.07.28 AM

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That did it, THANKS!

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Hello, I keep getting an error that says my password is incorrect, but am 100% sure I am typing in livesectional as the password.  Anyone else have this problem?  I can ping the pi, just can't ssh into it.  Tried it on a mac and a PC and get the same "Permission denied, please try again".  I even thought it might be from not running Command Prompt as Admin, but still get the same error.  The pi even shows up on my network as "LivesectionalV4" so I know the image works.  Any suggestions?  



Mark Harris
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Posts: 559

Sorry I didn't see this question. Did you get this handled? If not, let me know and I'll do my best to help. - Mark
