The move from an earlier version is generally straightforward. This process can be expedited by downloading the ‘airports‘ file and the ‘‘ file from the V3 map. These will then be imported to V4 to expedite setting up the new software. Use the steps below to upgrade.
- Using V3’s web interface, write down the IP address located at the top of the web page for later use.
- Copy the ‘airports‘ file, ‘‘ and hmdata file to your local computer. These files will be imported to the new image to speed up the configuration process for V4.
- You can use the ‘DL Airports’ feature on V3.1 located on the ‘Airports Editor’ page, and the ‘DL Config’ feature on V3.1 located on the ‘Settings Editor’ page.
- Another way is to use an SSH client such as Putty, or Snowflake to copy the files. Credentials to login are; pi, livesectional.
- If its not possible to download ‘airports‘ and ‘‘, continue but know that the builder will need to rebuild both manually which will take more time.
- Download the new image for Version 4 at to your computer.
- Power down map, remove microSD card and place in computer with the new V4 image. (A different microSD is suggested, so V3 is still available if necessary).
- Open BalenaEtcher and insert microSD card. Select the newly downloaded V4 image and flash the microSD card.
- Once the flash is complete, install the microSD card into the RPI (Raspberry Pi) and power up the RPI.
- The software will be looking for an internet connection, but won’t find one. It will continue checking until one is available. The next step will get internet going quickly.
- Setup the WiFi credentials by downloading and using the Berrylan phone app. Visit this page for specific information on using the app. This will connect your RPI to your network quickly.
- Presumably, the RPI’s IP address will have already been written down. Enter the recorded IP into a web browser. i.e. (Don’t forget to add the port number, ‘:5000’).
- Note, if there is a monitor connected to the RPI the IP address needed to reach the web interface will be displayed upon boot-up. Otherwise use the wireless router’s admin interface to find the IP address if you didn’t write it down at the start.
- The homepage will provide access to various Settings Profiles based on how the board is built. One needs to be picked and loaded to give the builder a start. This will be especially helpful if the user was unable to download the ‘‘ file from V3.
- The homepage also lists information about the added features along with browser compatibility.
- Enter the Settings Editor. If you have the ‘‘ file from the earlier version, then use the ‘Import Config’ function from this page to load your settings from V3.
- There are a number of other settings that can be set, so take a look at these and see what needs to be tweaked.
- Note: Be sure to ‘Save Config File’ from the ‘Settings’ menu before moving on.
- Enter the Airports Editor. If you have the ‘airports‘ file from V3, then use the ‘Import Airports’ function from this page to load your airports from the earlier version.
- Note: Be sure to ‘Save Airport File’ from the ‘Airports’ menu before moving on.
- Enter the Heat Map Editor and provide the relative number of times you’ve landed at each airport (this is optional).
- For airports that have never been landed at, set the value to zero (0). Set your Home Airport to one-hundred (100). All other airports should be assigned a number relative to the number of times the airport has been landed at.
- Note: Be sure to ‘Save Heat Map File’ when done.
- Select ‘Map Utilities –> Set RPI Timezone’ and verify that your timezone is properly set. If not, you can change it from this page. Note: You must Reboot RPI for changes to timezone to take effect.
- Select ‘Turn On Map’ from the ‘Map Functions’ menu item to check that everything is working as expected.
- Tweak the Settings as desired.
Note: It is possible to have specific settings work against each other. The most common will be when the setting ‘Display Used‘ is set to ‘Yes‘ but there are no displays wired to the map. If this is the case, the software will stop running with an error set, (download the logfile for more info). So be sure to set this setting to ‘No’ if no displays are used.
That’s it. The software can be configured as needed to match how V3 behaved, or with the addition of a Rotary Switch (or web app) the map can be made to display any of the data available (METAR, TAF, MOS or Heat Map).