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Canvas wrap

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6B977D58 D592 40F5 96D6 2B6A5476BA43
C3D6A78E 195A 44EB B148 C216BBB88BF3
BC6A3348 7230 4249 B21D A381E618A7BD

The project had to go on hold for a while after a move. I went with utilizing ideas throughout the forum. It appears this is the first to utilize a canvas wrap. I can vouch that canvas works well for this project. 

F6FE34F2 1128 4DC7 A8F0 14DB91539BA9

I tried making my own map layout and settled on using the planning chart. After some photoshop changes, I added the legend and rotary label. I found that printed and made the canvas wrap. A small tip I would recommend when ordering to ask to not staple permanent mounts. I asked to utilize removable screws. Pictorem listened to the main support but not the corners and I accidentally damaged the canvas removing the support. 

0477AB70 F67E 44AF AB97 07AC89665414
E0B062AC C01D 45D3 B58C 6A5E61EA8C19
469EDD1C 38E6 4C93 82FC 18D47C122159

I used a 1/2 plywood sheet of wood on the inside back and mounted with small 90deg elbows to support.

D4D15193 7585 4250 8FAD A263C3D63765
3A913826 D570 4C9E B7A9 4FFFFC8378DC

I liked the idea that someone mounted the pixels from the back and used acrylic rods. I cheated and used my wife’s acrylic nail drill to smooth out the rods. This helps provide a cleaner fiber optic look. I drilled the holes through the canvas and would and mounted and hot glued the pixels in place. I used eyelit’s found at the hobby store to clean up the drilled canvas. 

64733846 507E 4A2F 9E18 C1D436942654
53751B2C FC23 4030 9CCB 8F8819774454
8C7E84CE 9B4E 47C6 B1C2 4460B4A13FC1

Although I had some life lessons making this project, I finally can hang it up and run it. I like the natural backlight that reflects from the back against the wall. For some reason I can’t get the individual controlled lights to work in the airport page in the app and all led on function. I will keep toying with it. I also need the mount the rotary. The good news is, it’s running and works well.  

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E8878968 D022 468C 9DCC 830B65926610

Mark Harris
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Hey, that's awesome. 

I love the look. I never would have thought about using canvas material. Very clever.

A few questions;

  • Does the canvas fray when you drilled through it?
  • How did you stretch it so that it was even throughout?
  • How is the canvas secured to the frame to maintain the tension?
  • Can you post a close up of how the acrylic rod is mounted with the LED?
  • If you don't mind sharing, how much did it cost to get the map printed on canvas?

I've had someone else mention the issue with controlling the individual LED. I'll have to dive back into it to see what might be going on. If you don't mind I'm going to put your map on the Gallery page as well. Thanks - Mark

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The canvas did fray, but not to a concern it would continue to tear. I bought a specific drill bit for this to keep it as sharp and fast as possible when I cut into the canvas. Another thing was I asked for a spare piece to practice on. I was originally going to glue the canvas to the board, but elected not to. The harder part was removing the saw dust from behind the canvas. The easist way was to mount the board, make all your hole marks and remove the plywood to sweep it clean. Otherwise the sawdust was going to remain behind the canvas. The eyelit covers the remnants to any fraying canvas. 

AEB8805E 5D4A 4B14 9967 A013D83B449D

Pictorem was the cheapest I found and they stretched the canvas for me. I just took their frame and utilized it into my own project removing any supports they used. I was left with a rectangular frame that was reinforced with the plywood base. Printing and framed with free shipping came to $227. It’s a large canvas 37x60”.  I had a harder time tracking down a vendor catering to that size and lower cost. I would highly recommend Pictorem for larger sized projects. The canvas was stapled on the back by Pictorem when they stretched it. 
I used a 1/2” mount to hold the pixel in place. Next time I would many go a size smaller.  The pixels were held but a little loose. That’s where I used a drop of hot glue to hold in place.

2E68A9D7 9DDF 447A A8CA F3F51B770E9E

The trickier issue when I made the legend, I didn’t factor in how big the pixels were to get them all to fit. I have a glob of hot glue and stacking row of pixels so they could all fit.

2E50A66F FFAC 4700 BACB 4CFF681E0024

Being that the lights were stacked. I made longer acrylic rods for the higher level lights so the rods capture the specified light from the end. I’m considering painting the sides of the acrylic so there is no cross light action from the neighboring lights. So far they shine through the acrylic ok. 
If I remember when I return to complete the rotary, I’ll try to get better pictures of the back mounting. 
Overall the canvas idea is a great idea with consideration of covering up with some sort of eyelit or trim.  Great thing about the canvas option is you literally can have any size mounted or stretch yourself.

Go ahead and share.


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I accidentally doubled up a airport and had it listed twice. This caused some weather to not line up with the correct location. It sure took me a while to figure that out. 
