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Configuration Editor Show Weather buttons issue

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If you open the configuration editor, and then go to Sectional Map Settings, there is a slight issue.

The line "Show Weather Reported as Snow" has both choices marked as Yes.  If you attempt to click either of those buttons, instead of that button becoming clicked, it changes the button above it (which is marked as "Show Weather Reported as Freezing Rain") to Yes (You'll only see this if you turned the Freezing Rain option off first).

If I understand it correctly, here's the code that needs slight modification.  I'm still trying to teach myself how to modify the code and make the new image.  Thanks!

        <td><b>Show Weather Reported as Snow</b><br>
            <input type="radio" name="snowshow" value="1" {{'checked="checked"' if settings.snowshow=="1" else "" }}/> 
            <label for="frrainshowyes">Yes</label>
            <input type="radio" name="snowshow" value="0" {{'checked="checked"' if settings.snowshow=="0" else "" }}/>   
            <label for="frrainshowyes">Yes</label>
        <td>Change airport's LED colors to denote SNOW reported. i.e. VFR and SNOW would show GREEN then pulse White.

Mark Harris
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Posts: 559

Awesome Catch! I know what the issue is and fixed it. We'll get it into the image, but if you feel like you can swap the old file for the corrected file, I've attached it here.

Just navigate to /NeoSectional/templates/ and copy the file over the one that is there, then refresh the editor in the web browser and you should be good to go. Let me know one way or the other.

Thank you - Mark

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Thanks Mark!  I had actually already fixed it, learning a lot about how files are stored on the pi in the process.  I tried editing it on my computer, and then using tools like SCP to transfer the file.  Had a heck of a time using those, and an even worse time with vi to edit the file (linux neophyte!).  Finally was able to edit it in place on the pi using the built in editor from WinSCP.  Do you have a preferred editor or IDE for this sort of work?

Being new to linux permissions, I'm curious.  Do you ever need to login as root?  Or is logging in as the user pi enough?

Thanks for the great project! 

Mark Harris
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I'm a neophyte too, as you can tell by the lack of sophistication of my code. 😀 

I've tried many of the same tools you listed to help with my development and what I have come up with is this; I use 'nano' on the RPI for 95% of the coding. It's not near as easy as using a windows based program, but what I found is that I would introduce many indentation errors when I went back and forth. This caused me undue hours of trying to figure out where the indentation error is so I could fix it.

So I find myself using IDLE on my Chromebook or Windows 10 machine to work out specific routines, such as creating a dictionary in the correct format. Once I'm happy that I have it working locally, I then copy and paste it to the program I'm working with on the RPI in 'nano' and fold it into the existing code. For me, this has worked out as well as anything else I've tried. 

I always log into the RPI as 'user pi' and use 'sudo' for my commands. 

Thanks for pointing out the error in confedit.html. Hope you have fun. - Mark

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Hey, I like your code!  It's commented and structured well enough that I can figure out what's going on, despite not knowing linux or python or the pi!

Thanks for the help!
