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10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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I don't know what else to try

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So, I have been messing around with this for quite a while now and I can not get it to work.  Currently I have it set up on a bread board with just the level shifter wired exactly how the how it shows on the site.  The LED strand will only blink and each LED changes between blue, red, green and pink constantly.  Currently it is on a RPI zero 2W.  I have tried a zero w, 3B and 4B all with freshly flashed cards.  I have changed the level shifter.  I have even purchased another string of lights.  As far as the settings go I have everything switched off, no transition, no blink for lightning, high winds, etc.  I have it as basic as I can get it but I can't get it to function correctly and I am sure there is something I am just overlooking.  If I turn the map off and try to select all on, all off, individual LED's I only get a spinning wheel on my browser.  If I select the LED test script they cycle through all the colors.  Currently at my selected airports the weather is VFR with one not reporting and one LIFR yet the LED's are still randomly cycling through green, blue, red and pink. What am I missing?

Mark Harris
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Hi, I'm sorry for the hassles. I will do my best to help.

Based on the description of the issue, it sounds like the ground for the LEDs and Rpi are at different ground planes. This is very easy to do, especially on a breadboard.

The quick answer is to connect the 3 ground wires together, the LEDs, Rpi and Power supply directly together. In fact if you want to be sure, solder them together. The ground for the level converter should also be included here too, so 4 wires total. 

Ideally, putting the 4 wires into a shared row on a breadboard should work fine, but many times it doesn't.

Give this a shot, then bounce back with the results. - Mark

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@markyharris I had all of the grounds in a row just like the positives but on the opposite side of level shifter.  Now I have all of the grounds in the screw terminal on the female connector and it’s doing the same thing.  Oddly one of the “flashes” displays what looks like the correct colors.  All of my selected airports are VFR and MVFR right now and it does a mostly green and some blue flash.

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@markyharris so I just removed one of the grounds on the level shifter and it works now??


Mark Harris
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Interesting. I'll have to look at it more carefully, but I'm out of country, so it will be a while. I'm glad it's working though. - Mark
