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Feature Request: Brightness gradient based on ambient light

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I just put my first map together and realized as I was assembling it that the the 3 pin light sensor that I used (from here) delivers binary output on DO pin, and hence the brightness switches between two discrete values defined in the browser based UI. Would it be possible to convert this from a binary 2-levels-of-brightness to a gradient where based on the ambient light value, the brightness dynamically changes within lowest and highest limits? Or has someone already achieved this? Thanks. 

Mark Harris
Member Admin Registered
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When I first had the idea of using the light sensor I wanted to do the exact same thing you described. I quickly realized that the sensor would not provide the necessary information to do so. When I looked at other sensors that could do this they were quite a bit more money and needed to use comparator chips to provide the needed data and at the time I decided not to do it. Therefore the answer to your question is that the software is not written to handle this. But its something that I believe could be easily added in future releases. No promises, but it is on the list.

Be sure to post some pictures of your map. We love to see them. - Mark

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I've had a lot of fun building this; thanks for making it seamless to work with!

IMG 20210605 123749  01


Mark Harris
Member Admin Registered
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 559

Sweet map! Thanks for showing us. - Mark
