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10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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LED's staying in white

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Sorry if this has been asked but i hadnt seen a topic of it. I have an issue where none of the LED's change to the right colors. The rainbow chase happens whenever the new data is being fetched but the LED's just all go to white after the chase. Ive double checked all the normal settings and nothing seems incorrect and ive tried turning the map on and off again. LED light test works just fine and all airports are assigned correctly. In the log file, it looks like its fetching the correct data too.

Am I missing something? Thoughts?

Mark Harris
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Possibly in the settings somewhere. Tell us about the build; are you using any displays, legends, light sensor, how many led's etc. Then if you can attach your settings file and logfile we can take a look and see if we can spot anything. - Mark

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@markyharris Yeah, I tried to attached all those files but the forum says "File not allowed" Do you have a recommendation for this?

Mark Harris
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I'm not sure but I'll check. You may want to change the suffix to '.txt', or convert them to .pdf files. You can even try zipping them together and attaching the .zip file.

I'm wondering if the system isn't allowing a .log and/or .py file to be attached. - Mark

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Posted by: @markyharris

I'm not sure but I'll check. You may want to change the suffix to '.txt', or convert them to .pdf files.

This is correct - when I posted patches in a couple other threads, I had to add the "txt" to attach files.  It looks to me like it restricts "unknown" file types, which is a dumb feature but common in lots of software. 🙂

@NDHpilot619 - The other thing I'd look for - do you have the cycle numbers print on the console (when you hook up a monitor)?  Or, alternatively, you could kill the metar-v4 script and restart it with "sudo python3" and get the cycle number printouts in your shell window.

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Hey Guys,

Sorry for the delay in response. I was away from my map for a few weeks. Anyway, attached are the config & log file. Again, the map seems to be polling correctly and does the rainbow chase but when its done, all the LEDs just go to white. Thanks for any help you can provide.


This post was modified 4 years ago by NDHpilot619

Mark Harris
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I looked at the files, and I noticed you are running an earlier version. Please download the latest image here. Before you power down the current version, download the latest copies of, airports, so when you boot up the newest image you can import each of these files to make the upgrade easier.

Once done, let us know what's going on. - Mark 

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Good Point. I updated to the new version and restored configs and seem to have the same issue. New files attached.

AC106993 BAE8 452D 8F64 F59215C7F529 1 105 c


This post was modified 4 years ago by NDHpilot619

Mark Harris
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Hmm, this is odd. I noticed that you are displaying TAF's instead of METAR's, which should be fine. But for testing purposes, change the settings in Basic Settings to display METAR's to see if there is a change.

I noticed in your picture that you do have a number of Green LED's lit signifying that in fact everything is working properly. TAF's are not available for all airports, so changing the default data to METAR's should light most if not all up with the appropriate colors.

You can experiment with the MOS forecast data which covers more airports than TAF's do. Keep in mind that any airport that doesn't return weather data for any of the products will default to white = No Weather (nowx). You can change that color in the LED Color Settings if you prefer a different color or brightness. Let me know what you find. - Mark

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Hmmm. In my settings i show METARs as the info. Also, the "green" youre seeing in the pic is actually just reflection. All the LEDs are in fact in white.

Mark Harris
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Well if that's the case, go to 'Basic Settings' and ensure that 'Default Data to Display' is set to METAR. 

If that doesn't make a change, then check the LED Colors to be sure they all show the proper color for each weather type. If they are all white then there is a problem, though your settings show the correct color settings.

You can also change some of the other settings, such as turning the 'Legend' on along with others to see if that makes any changes. Let me know what you find after trying these. - Mark

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just tried that. same problem. Also of note, when i go to the weblink used to poll the metar data i dont see it come back in the response. the pic attached is an example for when i just select SAN

Screen Shot 2020 10 17 at 7.38.45 PM


This post was modified 4 years ago by NDHpilot619

Mark Harris
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You used the URL necessary to get the Station Information to display in the editor. The URL needed to get the weather is;

It's output is currently;

Screenshot 2020 10 17 at 7.44.21 PM

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I see. I just used the link it shows in the log file. I cant seem to see any other settings that could cause this. It is however behaving exactly as if its not getting data for the stations.

Mark Harris
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Let's try this: Under the 'Basic Settings' change the 'Logging Level' to debug. Then run the map for a bit. Then download and post the new log here. It logs a bunch more information that may help. - Mark

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