10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
Visit this post for the fix
I'm not sure. I'll have to look at the FAA rules for this to determine if this is in error. Unfortunately I won't have a chance for a bit, as I'm out of town. So when I get back I'll try to check this out. If you don't hear back, then please remind me. - Mark
Just some more details to my last post because the situation is illustrated perfectly, no need to answer right now Mark ! 😉
The latest weather report :
<raw_text>LSMM 172350Z AUTO 16006KT 060V230 9999NDV -SHRASN FEW006 BKN011 BKN046 02/M03 Q1021 RMK</raw_text><station_id>LSMM</station_id><observation_time>2021-03-17T23:50:00Z</observation_time><latitude>46.75</latitude><longitude>8.12</longitude><temp_c>2.0</temp_c><dewpoint_c>-3.0</dewpoint_c><wind_dir_degrees>160</wind_dir_degrees><wind_speed_kt>6</wind_speed_kt><altim_in_hg>30.147638</altim_in_hg><quality_control_flags><auto>TRUE</auto></quality_control_flags><wx_string>-SHRA SN</wx_string><sky_conditionsky_cover="FEW"cloud_base_ft_agl="600"/><sky_conditionsky_cover="BKN"cloud_base_ft_agl="1100"/><sky_conditionsky_cover="BKN"cloud_base_ft_agl="4600"/><metar_type>METAR</metar_type><elevation_m>570.0</elevation_m>
[I 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1160] LSMM Not Reporting Flight Category through the API.
[I 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1167] FAA xml data does is NOT providing the forecast field for this airport
[I 210318 01:03:58 webapp:205] Opening stream_log in separate window
[D 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1170] Sky Cover = FEW
[D 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1170] Sky Cover = BKN
[D 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1170] Sky Cover = BKN
[D 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1185] Cloud Base = 4600
[D 210318 01:03:58 metar-v4:1234] LSMM flight category is Decode script-determined as VFR
So, my guess is that the code takes only the last reported cloud base (BKN, OVC or OVX), instead of the lowest of all.
- Julien
Hi Mark, did you get a chance to look at the issue?
- Julien
No, sorry Julien.
I've been working on getting LiveSectional to work properly on the Raspberry Pi 4B's. I got that handled this weekend and we posting the updated image on the site today.
I'll try to take a look at it soon. Just keep checking back to 'nudge' me. - Mark
Just nudging 😉
Nudge received.
It's fixed. I tested it with the xml data you provided above. That plus the included logfile data you provided proved to be very helpful in locating the issue. So thank you for that.
I've attached the file that corrects the issue. So if you are comfortable with Raspian and RPi, you can just copy this over to the directory /NeoSectional. You'll have to rename or delete the original file before you copy this over, otherwise it will just rename this file and not be used. If you need more information on doing this, just let me know. If you prefer, a new image will be available after a while that will include this bug fix.
Thanks - Mark
Thank you very much Mark, I'll try it out!
- Julien