10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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How is it I can SSH into the RPI and not connect via the web interface? Is there some command line thing I need to do?
They are two different protocols. SSH gives you access to the RPi's command line, where the web interface requires a script, webapp.py to serve the data as HTML. So if there is an issue where webapp.py is not running you won't have access to the web interface. This is usually caused when there is an error causing webapp.py to stop running.
You can try to re-run webapp.py from your SSH session by entering;
cd /NeoSectional sudo python3 webapp.py
This is a good way to help diagnose a problem because the output from running webapp.py will be displayed on your SSH session. So if you see an error, you can copy and paste it into the forum. Try it and let me know. - Mark
I am having a similar issue. Brand new setup and new to pi’s and coding. I’m using a pi zero 2 and can ssh in. I ran the above command and got this error. I’ve included my system logs as I think that what you refer to looking at logs. I used tail -f /var/log/syslog I can’t connect to the web app and have tried another pi zero 2 and sd card flashing the latest file for livesectional
I was wondering if the new Pi Zero 2 would cause an issue. And I guess it does. Please try upgrading the package by entering the command after the dollar sign;
pi@LiveSectionalV4:/NeoSectional $ sudo pip3 install rpi_ws281x -U
You should get output that looks like this;
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple Collecting rpi_ws281x Downloading https://www.piwheels.org/simple/rpi-ws281x/rpi_ws281x-4.3.1-cp37-cp37m-linux_armv7l.whl (116kB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 122kB 246kB/s Installing collected packages: rpi-ws281x Found existing installation: rpi-ws281x 4.2.6 Uninstalling rpi-ws281x-4.2.6: Successfully uninstalled rpi-ws281x-4.2.6 Successfully installed rpi-ws281x-4.3.1
You'll notice that there is an update to the package from v4.2.6 to v4.3.1. This new version will play nice with the new Zero 2 and you should be good to go. - Mark
Mark, thanks for the quick reply and taking the time to help me out. Updating the rpi ws281 to version 4.3.1 using the instructions you provided fixed it!
thanks so much for sharing such a great software package, and helping out clueless people such as myself!
Great. I'm glad to hear it. This will help others as more and more RPi Zero 2's get used as part of the build. Send some pics when you have it done. We'd love to see it. - Mark