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10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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Rotary dial error

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Hi! I have a 6-position switch, connected and set up. If any of the positions is set to MOS, I get an error

IMG 4948


Mark Harris
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What value to you have set for probability under the MOS settings? - Mark

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default 50

Mark Harris
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Then the MOS data is not providing data the software is expecting. So set the debug level to 'Debug' in Basic Settings then run it till the error occurs, then attache the logfile.log here so we can look at it. - Mark

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added. Weirdly, the MOS doesn't error out but the LED display freezes at the rainbow transition.


Mark Harris
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Please take another picture of the current error on the monitor. The Log doesn't jive with the error in the picture above, so I need to see the error again. BTW: I love the 'Surly Service' message. Very clever. - Mark

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it scrolled like lightning and slowed to this pace.


Mark Harris
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So the program had already stopped. So if you don't mind trying a few things for me;

  • On the web editor, go to 'Map Functions' and turn off the map.
  • Then either from ssh session or with a keyboard connected to the RPi, enter 'sudo python3'

This will run only the script that controls the LED's and when it crashes, it won't scroll off the screen so you can attach a pic of the error it sets. - Mark

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It wouldn't work with just the command. so I switched to the NeoSectional directory and ran it. It went through the rainbow transition and went dark. Putty shows this, if it helps.

[I 201001 23:56:36 metar-v4:1199] Decoded METAR Data for Display

Cycle Num = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1377, in <module>
logger.debug(("METAR -->"), end=' ')
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/logging/", line 1371, in debug
self._log(DEBUG, msg, args, **kwargs)
TypeError: _log() got an unexpected keyword argument 'end'

Mark Harris
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Yep, this is a bug that was recently discovered and fixed in the image that is available to download on Download that image, but before you do, save the file and airports file by downloading them from the web interface. Then install the new image and import the and airports file to make the change easy. - Let me know - Mark

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Well, version 4.5 seems to report NO errors, no matter the rotary knob settings, for my configuration with 6-position switch, 5 OLEDs  and 114 LEDs. 

Mark Harris
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Awesome news. As you know this is a big project fraught with lots of little errors that need to be ferreted out. I appreciate your stick-to-it-iveness. Send a pic once its hanging on a wall. - Mark

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IMG 4962

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Hello...I'm searching for something that tallies the number you dials. Not the number of heartbeats it gives per X seconds. So when you dial one it gives one high heartbeat and afterward back low. In any case, my concern is that when you dial 4, the beats come to quick to distinguish them all. They come at 10Hz I think, yet I have perused that the GPIO's could parts quicker, so I don't have a clue what I'm fouling up

Mark Harris
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Posted by: @mellilewis

Hello...I'm searching for something that tallies the number you dials. Not the number of heartbeats it gives per X seconds. So when you dial one it gives one high heartbeat and afterward back low. In any case, my concern is that when you dial 4, the beats come to quick to distinguish them all. They come at 10Hz I think, yet I have perused that the GPIO's could parts quicker, so I don't have a clue what I'm fouling up

I'm afraid I don't have any idea what you are asking. Please re-phrase the question. - Mark
