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10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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Unresponsive RPI

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After my map went to sleep last night I tried to turn it on using the "ON" button wired in. It didn't respond. I tried the reboot and the same result.  Unplugged the power and rebooted, still nothing. This morning I tried another SD card that should be my backup and nothing. It has been running reliably for many months, do you thing the RPI just died? I get the red and flashing green light by the micro USB power port on the RPI. I just don't know where to go from here.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Captain_Ron

Mark Harris
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Hi Ron,

No, there is an issue where a server that stores backup files that changed things causing an error in the LS code. Visit this post;

There are 3 ways in which to fix the problem listed there. Sorry for the hassles. Let me know if you have questions about it. - Mark

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I can't say anything I've tried in the last hours helped but it finally booted up with the original SD card from yesterday. I then tried option 2 from your link and it rebooted fine. Thanks!

Mark Harris
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Great. Ya, this has been a headache for everyone. It's another reason not to rely on outside resources because if they change on you, the code blows up. - Mark

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Now I have an issue with Safari not connecting after i save the config file saying it can't connect to the server.


It seems that saving the config file causes the RPI to lockup and the map freezes.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Captain_Ron

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Even after I pull power and reboot it and BerryLan shows the right IP address I can't connect to it in Safari.

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BTW, I'm on version 4.6x, once I can connect I was going to upgrade it to 4.73

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I can SSH into it but the web interface doesn't work.

Mark Harris
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Your best bet is to upgrade to the latest image then.

There may be a dependency that you still need that will be included with the latest image. If possible get a copy of your current, airports and hmdata files so you can restore them easily to the new image. - Mark

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@markyharris Ok, if I can copy the various files I need to my MBP via SSH what are the commands to do that?

Mark Harris
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The easiest way is to use a file browser such as filezilla to grab them and copy them to your PC. Go to;

And install filezilla.

Then run it. Once its running enter in the IP address for your RPi in the upper left corner, then 'pi' for Username, and 'livesectional' for Password. Put '22' in the Port field and hit 'Quickconnect'.

The right side of the screen will populate with the directory structure for your RPi. You'll need to expand the root directory (top most red arrow in picture). Then look for 'NeoSectional' directory and expand this (2nd red arrow).

Using the lower right corner window, scroll through the files in the /NeoSectional directory and find, airports, and hmdata. Drag them to the left side screen which is the directory structure for your computer and place the files in the directory of your choice.

Once this is done, you can re-image your RPI and use the web interface to import these 3 files back to your board. Let me know if you have questions. - Mark


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Those were great directions, that's done and I'm imaging a new card now.

Mark Harris
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Great. Let me know when its up and running again. - Mark

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Still having issue with the RPI freezing up when I save any of the config files.

Tried to use Filezilla to put those files back, but the directory name has changed to neosectional_master or something like that and the directory was empty.

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I selected "Map utilities> Check for update" and I get this error.



urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable

Traceback (most recent call last)

  • File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/flask/", line 2309, in __call__

    return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
  • File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/flask/", line 2295, in wsgi_app

    response = self.handle_exception(e)


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