10/18/2023 Map Stopped Working?
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What version of Linux is the Livesectional built on? I'm doing some networking changes at home and would like to get my live maps connected with WPA-Enterprise instead of WPA-Personal.
Livesectional uses wpa_supplicant, which supports both enterprise and personal, and I have another Raspberry Pi that is successfully using WPA-Enterprise. However, the Linux distro hides the config elements so I can't actually just drop in my working config file in place.
If you have access to the web admin page there is a 'System Information' link under 'Map Utilities' and it lists all sorts of info. To answer your question it displays;
OS Info PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs"
I hope this provides the info you are looking for. I'm not familiar with the difference between WPA-Enterprise and WPA-Personal so I'm not sure I can help much with that. If you do figure it out, please let us know what you did so that its documented. - Mark
An update, but not a solution yet.
Rasbian uses NetworkManager, so you can't just configure wpa_supplicant.conf. I found this guide on how to do it: https://github.com/wylermr/NetworkManager-WPA2-Enterprise-Setup, so I've created a Network Manager file to use with my enterprise SSID. I created a file with my network config like this:
id=(my SSID name)
uuid=(generated with uuidgen)
ssid=(my ssid)
identity=(my username)
password=(my password)[ipv4]
I can see the new defined connection (nmcli connection show), but if I try to change the connection, it seems to disconnect from the PSK network but it won't connect to the new definition.
Next step: I think I might need to change to the NL80211 driver instead of the driver that's being used by default, but no guarantee that will work.
I'm sorry, I wish I could be of help with this. But you have ventured far from my knowledge base. I appreciate you continuing updating your progress here though. It will undoubtedly help others. - Mark