Last seen: Jul 16, 2024
With PAO reporting OVC at 800' it should be marked as LIFR
@markyharris no worries, if things never get reported they can't be fixed. Maybe in the meantime a workaround would be better to mark it as WX not rep...
Is there a way to interpret a flight category from the data if the FC is missing?
Here is the log file
Thanks, I’ll bring it into my CAD program and either machine it or 3D print it.
@markyharris the freezing happens at least every other time I save the config file. Sometimes twice in a row and then the third save works.
I forgot to subscribe to my own question.
@markyharris I will. I need to make the box from the OLED STL file and get my frame mounted. This will give me time to wire things up and solder the n...
It did thanks. Once I got the number of OLED used and turned it on in the settings it works! Now to wire up all 5 and get them mounted.
The OLED's I bought only have 4 pins, your schematic shows 8. The Vin and GND i get, but the DATA and CLK pins I'm not sure what the correlate to. I h...
On the last picture OLED1, do you have a CAD file for the case? Is the PCB within the case or is it just a cover? Inquiring minds are trying to do the...
Since we can set a user defined wind speed so the lights blink, would it be possible for the OLED's to display the wind data for that airport? Maybe f...
@flyguy what is your base material? I made some ABS grommets to go into the hole and the flange helped to cover some ragged edges, but a few holes tor...