Last seen: Jan 21, 2021
@markyharris Yep that answered the question. Kind of what I thought. Any thoughts on unzipping the software? Right now the Raspberry Pi is defaulting ...
@markyharris If I'm reading this right I need 3 full size breadboards and 1 half size?
I've gotten the pieces together and going to start assembling using breadboards then I'll go back and solder a permanent install when everything works...
@captain_ron right now I'm talking withI waiting for a list of local printers that can handle the job. I don't know the cost or anything yet. I can sh...
@captain_ron great advice. I'll watch for that. I was thinking of having the map printed on the base material. Might be easier to drill.
Thanks Mark, Lots of great advice. I want to solder instead of using a breadboard. Any problems doing it that way? I do know how to solder CBs. So t...