Last seen: Nov 21, 2024
Dave, post a picture of the monitor after it boots up. It should show an IP address in green text. We'll start from the beginning to see what might be...
Yes, FU is checked for; here's a snippet of code that shows the weather characterized as such. #Dust Sand and/or Ashwx_dustsandash_ck = ["DU", "SA",...
Dave, you are venturing into territory that I'm completely unfamiliar with. Maybe my partner in crime, Bill might know more about this. We'll figure i...
That's a great insight! Thank you for pointing that out. - Mark
Here's the FAQ for Berrylan - . Everytime I've used Berrylan, I've only seen 'BT WLAN'. I've never seen any other name for the board. I have heard o...
Hi Dave, Berrylan should easily allow you to switch between SSID's that it sees. If its a newly imaged SD card, then the RPI will continue to search...
If you were sent the 12v version of the string, then this would explain the issue. The software was written for the 5v version of the string. You shou...
This was very helpful. The error message is due to an incompatibility between Adafruit library needed to run the LED's and the model/type of LED's you...
Sweet! I'm glad you nailed it. It's always frustrating when things like this happen. But to me its the journey that's the reward. So it feels great wh...
Hmm, I've only had one other person express a similar issue. It turned out that he was using the wrong URL. It had something to do with his network's ...
If you have the ability to open /NeoSectional/ in a text editor (you can use an SSH client to reach your RPI) look for these three settings; ...
Hi Zach, sorry for the issues. Here's a couple of things; First: To be clear, you are not entering '' into the browser, correct? You are entering th...
Thanks for the info. We've had a number of questions regarding flaky operation of the LED's and I suspect most, if not all are due to the breadboard c...
I thought of another possibility; The LED's can be latching on because of the high number of LED's and the load on the power supply. For a test, take ...
I'm sorry for the hassles. I don't think anything has changed. And I can't think what could cause this. So do me a favor and go into basic settings an...