| Value
| Setting Description
VFR Flight Category =
| VFR is designated by GREEN (0,255,0).
MVFR Flight Category =
| MVFR is designated by BLUE (0,0,255).
IFR Flight Category =
| IFR is designated by RED (255,0,0).
LIFR Flight Category =
| LIFR is designated by Magenta (255,0,255).
No Weather Reported =
| No Weather (nowx) is typically designated by GRAY (80,80,80) or BLACK (0,0,0).
Black/Off =
| Black/Off is designated by BLACK (0,0,0).
Lightning =
| Lightning is typically designated by YELLOW (255,255,0).
Snow1 Reported =
| Snow1 Reported is typically designated by WHITE (255,255,255).
Snow2 Reported =
| Snow2 Reported is typically designated by SILVER (100,100,100). 2 different whites create blinking effect.
Rain1 Reported =
| Rain1 Reported is typically designated by DARK BLUE (4,0,54).
Rain2 Reported =
| Rain2 Reported is typically designated by BLUE (0,0,255). 2 different blues create blinking effect.
Freezing Rain1 Reported =
| Freezing Rain1 Reported is typically designated by LIGHT PURPLE (199,156,219).
Freezing Rain2 Reported =
| Freezing Rain2 Reported is typically designated by PURPLE (152,0,199). 2 different purples create blinking effect.
Dust, Sand, Ash1 Reported =
| Dust, Sand or Ash1 Reported is typically designated by BROWN (200,150,125).
Dust, Sand, Ash2 Reported =
| Dust, Sand or Ash2 Reported is typically designated by DARK BROWN (100,50,0). 2 different browns create blinking effect.
Fog1 Reported =
| Fog1 Reported is typically designated by SILVER (80,80,80).
Fog2 Reported =
| Fog2 Reported is typically designated by SILVER (80,80,80). Same colors create solid effect, but can have a blinking effect if desired.
Home Airport Marker Color =
| Home Airport Marker Color can be any color that stands out from the rest to denote the home airport.
Home Airport Changing Colors (See Help) =